I was never a big fan of funky smelling cheeses in my cheese eating days. In fact, I think the only time anyone ever talked me into trying feta, I ended up spitting it back out onto his pizza slice (if you know me well, you know stuff like that happens a lot and probably don’t offer me sips or bites of things. Thanks for loving me anyway!)
However, this evening I tried pressing previously frozen tofu for the first time. I know, I know, but I was a tofu resistant vegan for many years so I’m just now experiencing the many tofu tricks that were hitherto but mere legends to me. When I finished squeezing the life out of my little science project, I was struck by the undoubtedly cheesian (that what things that are cheese-like call themselves) product my tofu was rendered into.
Since I am nearing the end of my 31 day local food challenge, I’m kind of jonesing for new flavours, even ones I used to think were grody to the max, so I just jumped right in and feta-ed the lot. And you know what? Tofu feta is not funky in the least! I didn’t even spit out a little bit at anyone! Looks like I’m growing up, everybody. Good for me!
Simple Vegan Feta
- 1 package firm or extra firm water packed tofu, frozen in it’s very own, untampered with, commercial packaging
- 1 1/2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 tsp sea salt
1. Allow tofu to thaw on your counter until it reaches room temperature. Drain and remove from package. Taking small handfuls of tofu at a time, squeeze out all the liquid until the tofu in your hand is dry and crumbly. Place pressed tofu in medium mixing bowl and repeat this step until you’ve wrung the heck out the entire package and are left with something that looks remarkably like feta. But it’s not vegan feta yet!
2. Stir in vinegar, garlic and salt. Refrigerate for at least an hour to allow flavours to get it on with another.
3. Use as you would feta–in salads, on pizza, in lasagna–I don’t know your particular feta needs, but this will serve them, serve them well.
*I made this during my 31 day 100% local food challenge, Locally Vegan, so, although yummy, it is pretty basic. Feel free to jazz it up with some fresh herbs or a squeeze of lemon. Or simply listen to jazz while you eat it. That ought to jazz it up some.
**My local version is damn fine. I used Dayspring Tofu With Flax, Spinnaker’s house brewed Apple Cider Vinegar (made using apples from The Life Cycles Fruit Tree project), Gabriola garlic and the most amazing cherry wood smoked rock salt from the Vancouver Island Salt Company. If you can find smoked salt, please use it! It lends such a robust fullness of flavour to everything it kisses and it really brings a lot to this simple recipe.